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Indigenous Seed Planting Ceremony

Jim Doxtdator
May 30, 2021

We were recently honoured by a visit from Jim Doxtdator who is an elder and seed keeper from Six Nations of the Grand River.  Jim’s visit included a smudging ceremony.  For centuries, smudging has been used to create a cleansing smoke bath used to purify the body, aura, energy, ceremonial/ritual space or any other space and personal articles.  Smudging is performed to remove negative energy as well as for centring and healing.


Building a Stronger Community


One of our Our Youngest Volunteers

As Official Seed keeper 

Jim tasked one of our youngest members as being the official seed keeper for The Riverdale Community Salad Bowl Garden.  


It’s important to treat seeds with honour and respect. Seeds are believed to have feelings and heart. Seeds are like members of your extended family that you tend with care and because there will be reciprocity, they will provide you with food showing they care about you too.

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